Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bumpit saves the day

The Quitter is campaigning with Hanoi Hilton in Arizona.

"John McCain helped Sarah Palin launch her national political career two years ago. Now, she's trying to help McCain save his. The former running mates campaigned together Friday for the first time since losing the presidential race in 2008."

Someone's ham is on the line.

I don't know how the old man is polling, but the irony of the situation is that Palin and J.D. Hayworth have a lot in common. Both started their political careers by way of broadcasting. They have problems with brown people and a mistrust of government. A paradox, given their mutual desire to control the thing they hate. Arrogant and Christian, they can spar over who is more observantly Jewish, and he's sure to win a snort of approval after telling her about the man who married his horse. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if, after one too many hard lemonades, they toss the incumbent off the stage and joined forces in a GOP TEA revolt.



  1. So, she's getting a reality show AND campaigning with McCain? I suppose if he gets tired of her, he can always shoot her while off hunting. Why not? Cheney did it.

    And don't you just love her deriding the media? Love them when you need them, slap 'em when they aren't looking.

  2. There's actually a method to this madness. Hayworth can win a tight race on immigration. The AZ Minute Man organizer dropped out of the race and supports him. In some states, this could be a negative. With Palin supporting the old guy, it's a draw.

    Caribou Barbie supports McCain's immigration plan, which is nearly identical to the Obama plan. To win AZ, a right to work paradise that loves/hates is undocumented workers until they start killing one another, McCain will dis the Obama plan. "It's pro-union." After he and the Senate GOP end their extended vacation, you know, where they dip their toe back into the "poisoned well," he'll support it.

    This has the potential to get ugly. If McCain tries to hammer too hard on JD's ties to Jack Abramoff, JD can turn around and get personal, or attack McCain's lack of action on the BIA trust fund. (JD enjoyed tribal support when he was in Congress, but I'm not sure if AZ tribes within his district support him today.) This district is also home to Sheriff Joe Arpaio. That should tell you everything you need to know about the base they're dealing with.
