Monday, February 22, 2010

All the king's horses and all the king's men...

"Former Vice President Cheney is in George Washington Hospital after experiencing chest pains."

Wasn't he hospitalized for the same thing last year?

Cheney has had four heart attacks, the most recent one shortly after the November 2000 election...shortly thereafter he had the defibrillator implanted."

"The device was replaced in 2007 because its battery was wearing down."

How much anger does it take to destroy a heart before the age of 40?

Like so many in his cohort, the killers of Kennedy, the promoters of Pinochet, he is almost inhuman in his grasp for power.

Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were Gerald Ford's Glimmer Twins. Life must have been interesting, mopping up Nixon's mess, serving the rump presidency of a clumsy man. Were he and Antonin Scalia friends? They had at least one thing in common, the unitary executive, and their post-Watergate labors bore fruit.

Dick gave great face. His drunken outbursts and public aggression didn't surface until his latter years, but the axe does take its toll.

He was 37 when he had his first heart attack, the year he was elected to Congress. His fourth heart attack came after the 2000 decision. He seems to have endured the fight, even in the face of meaningless plunder. He worked behind the scenes and the country went mad. For what?

With his Valentine's Day TV appearance, he turned a Sunday interview into Grand Guignol, defending his torture policies while attacking his replacement. Most vice presidents disappear. Cheney refuses to shut up. He can't say enough about waterboarding. He wants it to stay "on the table."

His media appearances have become a rolling psychotic break.

He couldn't be president, so he appointed himself vice president. Was his vice presidency really a presidency? George W has made few appearances since the Bank Job of 2009. A speaking appearance in Canada, another in Austin for a motivational seminar? It could've been a boat show for all the attention he was paid, but Cheney won't quit. He thinks he's still in charge.

It's widely assumed that he was drunk the day he shot a hunting buddy. He couldn't empty both barrels at the same time. Shooting his friend in the face at close range (within 10 to 15 feet), was no accident, so why did his target apologize?

(To be continued.)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ripton, Vermont

Dear Kurt,

Thanks for the Valentine. Do you remember Marge Gunderson, the detective in the film Fargo?

"So, you were havin' sex with the little fellow, then?"

"Oh, for Pete's Sake, he's leaving the interview! He's leaving the interview!"

"You betcha!"

On February 14th, the Quitter (rhymes with chipper) enjoyed race day in Florida:,0,596430.story

“Haven’t thought a darn thing about the politics of this. I’m thinking about this good, active, speed-loving event that a lot of Alaskans, too, are really into. We’ve got our snow-machine races up there, and this is, of course, on a much greater scale, same type of sport though, same type of breath-taking, speed-loving, All-American event that we like to see up north." (Todd was back home, preparing for the Iron Dog race.)

Whatcha think?

Last week, I had a nightmare. A rip current was pulling me into the sound. The slither of water and gravel is still in my head. It was low tide but I could see waves surging. This was transition time, when the tide floods back to shore. I woke up and did some checking. Rip currents are different from rip tides, and then there's the undertow.

I told Ian about my dream. He’s a surfer. Certainly he’s aware of these things, but I had to make sure.

On February 13th, large sneaker waves (not rogues) broke bones at a surfing competition in Half Moon Bay. The following day, an Oregon man was swept out to sea trying to rescue his dog from a rip. The day after that I went to Golden Gardens, looking for glass hearts. I found a confetti heart half-buried in the silt of Meadow Point. My nightmare beach.

Dog-eating waves and mini tsunamis, all generated in the Gulf of Alaska.

Shifting patterns and big waves were predicted in climate change models. Buffalo, NY, is normally buried by blizzards, but this year they fell further south.

Alaskans don’t have to truck in powder this winter. There was enough to kill another snowmobile fan, an oil executive who rode into an avalanche on the Kenai Peninsula.

For rogues like Sarah, climate change studies are “snake oil science.”

Bill McKibben’s Valentine’s race was cancelled for lack of snow. If I was a prayer warrior, I'd think that God was punishing Vermont for harboring a climate change enthusiast. I don’t pray, but the climber who fell into the crater of Mt. St. Helen’s died on a mountain he probably loved.

The interconnectedness of it all.

"Prowler needs a jump."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am not a Socialist.

Wherein the president sounds strangely Nixonian:

“I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.”

"I know both those guys; they are very savvy businessmen."

He knows - of - them, but he hasn't had a beer with them.

George W. Bush left two legacies for his base: a stacked Supreme Court and a looted Treasury.

So far, President Obama is a spectator who has done nothing to alter this legacy.